Conversations with an Angel by Judith Baadsgaard and Lone Maria Skovgaard-Petersen was the first publication at Forlaget Ignatius, which is part of Ignatius Healing and Retreat. The book tells Lone Maria’s life story and about her spiritual development.
About the book
How can you be in a place in life where you have to give up the desire to be cured of cancer and yet are deeply happy?
Conversations with an Angel depict the cancer-stricken Lone Maria’s path from illness, doubt and hopelessness until a settled position.
In the conversations with Judith Baadsgaard, we get an insight into Lone Maria’s childhood and adult life, and we follow her development towards an uncompromising spirituality, where healing comes second and the connection to the divine comes first.
In Conversations with an Angel, it is a mystic who talks about life and death, and the book provides an inspiring and life-affirming portrait of a woman with cancer’s path towards a clarification and a higher consciousness – a meaning of both death and the life that is about to end for her.

About the authors
Lone Maria Skovgaard-Petersen (1959-2017). Educated organic farmer 1987. Physiotherapist 1995. Art education at Aarhus Academy of Fine Arts completed 2010. Part of the establishment group around Ignatius Healing Center from 2010.
Judith Baadsgaard (b. 1951). Graduated as a psychologist in 1985. Clinical psychologist and development consultant in Viborg Municipality until 2000. Head of counselling at the Danish Cancer Society until 2007. Private psychologist in Aarhus from 2007. Part of the establishment group around Ignatius Healing Center from 2007.
From the book’s preface
“Many of us have cancer or other serious illnesses in our lives. We cannot but be deeply touched by the conversations in this book between Judith and Lone Maria, who have cancer. Judith is a psychologist and is very close to Lone Maria. In the conversations, she is the one who asks open and relevant questions, which gives us insight into Lone Maria’s spiritual journey. We are taken by the hand and gently led into another reality that few of us are aware of: the energy of love, a higher consciousness, the Christ and Mary light, God.
The conversations take place from 2016-2017, when cancer continues to take its toll on Lone Maria’s physical body, and the suffering is unbearable. Although the physical miracle does not occur in the form of healing, Lone Maria experiences over the years a spiritual miracle that is far more significant, promising and and liberating than anything else she has ever experienced in her life. With her life story, she becomes a messenger between heaven and earth, an angel who opens to divine reality and makes it available to us.
Being in this energy of love, Lone Maria experiences as a lift upwards, a loving embrace, freed from drowning in self-pity and in her ego. Here the book has a message for both sick and healthy people.
Today, there is a growing longing for such a “spiritual upward lift”, while at the same time being fully present in everyday life and in the world. However, there is a lack of spiritual guidance from people who have experience of divine reality without losing their grounding. In Conversations with an Angel, this is miraculously conveyed, deeply authentic and impactful. Full of love and hope.”
Jette Dahl, author and diocesan priest for spiritual seekers in Ribe Diocese 2011 – 2017
“Thank you for the beautiful and rewarding book, which I have read with great benefit, recognition and joy. It is precisely the joy woven closely together down the sorrow that I clearly recognize from my own life.”
– Charlotte Rørth, author, about Conversations with an Angel.
“Lone Maria’s determination, persistence and love are exemplary. It is also an unsentimental account from real life, which shows that life with a spiritual dimension has enormous potentials that we can choose to share in… The book contains some of her paintings that clearly show her spiritual contact… Educational reading.”
– Ingelise Hallengren on Conversations with an Angel, New Aspect, April 2018.
Order the book
Do you want to order the book? Send an email to: mail@ignatiushr.dk
Sitting in current is a personal process that touches into very deep and personal layers. At the same time, you are currently part of a larger healing and development process. At the same time, you receive and contribute to the healing. The challenge and key word for many people in this process is trust. Trusting that this invisible spiritual energy is there for us and working with us in the way that is best for each individual at the given time.
/Eva høffding