Lectio Divina with Assumpta from St Benet nunnery, now living in Southern Catalonia
Perhaps you have participated in a course stay in Montserrat with Ignatius Healing and Retreat within the last 4 years? If so, you have also been on a tour of the Sant Benet convent and have been shown around by Sister Assumpta.
We are SO excited to announce that Assumpta is returning to Ignatius Healing and Retreat. She will be teaching a course in Lectio Divina – a meditative reading of the Bible – which is similar to the way the Way of the Heart groups work.
Lectio Divina, Divine Reading, is a practice of meditation, contemplation and prayer. The aim is to enter into a deeper experience of what God or the Divine wants to tell us through the texts – to let the texts speak to us. The Christian mystics have certainly read the Bible in this way and gained many of their experiences in this way. In this course, Assumpta will go through the methods with us and help us to open up to the biblical texts.
Everyone is welcome. Please note that the number of places are limited and that registration is mandatory and binding.
For registration please go to calendar
Assumpta introduces herself
Hello, my name is Assumpta Arasa Altimira and now I live in the Terres de l’Ebre, an area in the south of Catalonia surrounded by nature, in the middle of two natural parks: the Delta, an area where the waters of the Ebro River and those of the Mediterranean Sea meet, and the Ports of Beceite, high mountains full of flora and fauna.
Before returning to live in these landscapes, I have lived for nearly four years in the Benedictine Monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat. There I felt called by God’s Love to bring the learnings made of silence, prayer and Lectio Divina out of the monastery.
I have now reopened my psychological centre and I am finishing a masters degree in dogmatic theology from the TECH Technical University. In addition, I combine my work as a psychologist, and the studies, with the formation of groups of people who want to know about the Divine Lectio and how this practice can help them in their daily lives. Because this has been my discovery in the monastery, to know that God, who is Love, is deeply and passionately in Love with us and is willing to speak to us. Well, through meditation, and making space to welcome the word of Him/Her, we can discover what She/He wants to tell us today.
In fact, I just want to ask you two things; the first one is: do you really think that God is deeply and passionately in Love with you? And if you think so, the second question, imagine you’re in front of Him/Her, what would you like to ask God?
If you are interested in these questions, then, I am sure, the Divine Lectio is a practice that is aimed at you,
With Love, Assumpta